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MGMT 411-Logistics Management for AviationAerospace-Module 5

MGMT 411-Logistics Management for AviationAerospace-Module 5

Discussion 5: Aviation materials Storage and packaging

            The aviation industry operates with very slim revenue and cost margins. A major element of costs involves inventory control in terms of storage and handling of materials, parts, and maintenance equipment. Demonstrate your understanding of the issues in this discussion thread.

Select one of the categories of the aviation supply chain listed below for an in-depth analysis of its storage, handling, and packaging considerations as applied in modern practice at the airport flight line.

  • In-flight meals for passenger flights.
  • Replacement engine parts for depot-level servicing.
  • Maintenance materials and parts for flight-line level service (wheels, electronics, pumps, gauges, fasteners, etc.).

For your selected category, describe the typical issues involved with storage and movement costs, locations, expiration dates, environmental conditions, inventory levels, and materials packaging. Provide a practical example of how the logistics system would be managed for the items involved.

Trends in packaging and handling

            This journal entry is all about packaging. Respond to the topics below in a 300-500 word narrative.

  • Identify two household products you have used over the years. 
  • Describe how the packaging of those products has changed over time, and what effect or impact those changes have had on your satisfaction with the product. Discuss the environmental outcomes the changes have caused, positive or negative.
  • Discuss any trends in packaging and handling for common products you have noticed over the past ten years.

Review It

To confirm that you have mastered the content for this module, complete the end of module review below.

Independently answer the following essay questions using your own words.

  • Identify the various costs involved with warehousing of materials and parts related to an aviation or aerospace operation, and describe the relative impact of each of those costs on overall operational productivity. Elaborate on the trade-offs involved in warehouse decision making.

  • Of the two types of container, rigid and non-rigid, which is most appropriate for use in the aviation industry? Give an example of when and how each type of container could be used in an aviation support setting.
  • What changes in materials packaging and handling do you foresee for aircraft maintenance parts in the coming years? Support your response with a reference from the professional or research literature on the topic.

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