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ETEC 490-Engineering tech Capstone

ETEC 490-Engineering tech Capstone


Discussion 1:

Engineering technology current events are just about anything that pertains to technology and engineering. Most news websites will have a section dedicated to science and technology, and these sites are one source of current events. Many professional organizations such as AIAA, ASME, and ASEE provide daily emails to members that contain many news briefs that pertain to their respective fields. Student membership to profession organizations is usually relatively inexpensive and provide other benefits. For daily custom tech news, you can subscribe to SmartBrief (Links to an external site.). SmartBrief provides relevant industry news. Within the image below are three icons which will navigate you to these professional organizations’ websites for you to further explore.

For this week’s current event topic, choose an engineering technology current event in the area of aerospace.  Events cannot be older than six months.

Discussion 2:

For this week’s current event topic, choose an engineering technology current event in the area of electronics/computers. In the image below, you will find three icons which will navigate you to some resources you may find useful. Your current event must be different than any incident discussed previously. Events cannot be older than six months. Write your post as an Op-Ed. See the Module 1 discussion board directions for reference.

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