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ETEC 490-Engineering tech Capstone

ETEC 490-Engineering tech Capstone

Research Project


Developments in robotics and unmanned systems have the potential to radically change the package delivery industry. Using unmanned systems can possibly reduce human workload and increase efficiency. However, public perception of safety, especially with unmanned aircraft, is a major concern.

This Request for Proposal (RFP) is to design a package delivery system that will use two types of unmanned systems: aircraft and ground vehicle. The purpose of the system is to aid in the “last mile” of delivery to aid the delivery driver and increase efficiency. The delivery system will be used in an urban residential/commercial area. Purpose and requirements of the system are provided below.

Research Project Requirements:


The overall purpose of the delivery system is to not fully replace the delivery truck and driver, but to increase delivery efficiency. While delivering packages, the driver will send the unmanned aerial vehicle(s) (UAV) and unmanned ground vehicle(s) (UGV) to deliver packages in less “delivery dense” areas while the driver continues on their package delivery route. The unmanned vehicles will need to be able to depart the delivery vehicle in one location and return to the delivery vehicle at a different location.


Delivery truck

  • House UAV(s) and UGV(s). Must have at least one of each.
  • Be able to charge unmanned vehicles between deployments (assume 30 min between deployments)
  • House typical amount of packages for a standard delivery route

Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)

  • Carry single package with weight of 8 lb and dimensions of 13.5 in. by 9.5 in. by 3.5 in.
  • Fly 0.5 miles from delivery truck, land on roof of 10-story, leave package (automatically), fly 1 mile back to delivery truck

Unmanned ground vehicle (UGV)

  • Carry at least one package with weight of 8 lb and dimensions of 13.5 in. by 9.5 in. by 3.5 in.
  • Travel 0.5 miles from delivery truck, delivery package (automatically), travel 1.5 miles back to delivery truck. May deliver more than one package if the vehicle is capable.
  • Must be able to traverse a step with a height of 8 in.

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