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ETEC 415 – Control Systems – HW 9

ETEC 415 – Control Systems – HW 9

Module 9 Homework Assignment

  1. Convert the following continuous time transfer function to discrete time transfer functions with sampling rates of 0.01 and 0.1. Write with an equation editor the two discrete transfer functions. Next apply a unity feedback to the continuous transfer function and the two discrete transfer functions. Based on the poles of the closed-loop continuous transfer function, is the system stable? Why? Plot the poles of the discrete transfer functions on the z-plane. Are the two systems stable and why?
    𝐺(𝑠)=24 / (𝑠^2+2𝑠+3)

  2. Use Simulink to simulate the step response of the continuous transfer function from problem 1 with unity feedback. Also simulate the discrete transfer function with a sampling rate of 0.1 with unity feedback. Finally simulate the continuous transfer function in series behind a zero-order hold with a sampling rate of 0.1 and with unity feedback. Use the scope to plot all three systems at the same time. Provide a copy of the plot and a copy of the Simulink model. Make sure the transfer function boxes are large enough to see the transfer functions.

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