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ASCI 309-Aerodynamics

ASCI 309-Aerodynamics

Module 7
ARAPA: Maneuvering Performance

collaboratively create an instructional team wiki (Canvas page within your group work space – see again ARAPA Overview Page for instructions). In this wiki, create a V-G diagram specific to your aircraft at a selected weight and atmospheric condition and explain how the V-G diagram can be utilized to identify specific maneuvering parameter. For inputs on how the V-G diagram is developed, review the discussion in the Flight Theory and Aerodynamics book (Dole, Lewis, Badick, & Johnson, 2017, pp. 229-235) and the provided 7.3.1 – ARAPA: Resources and Inputs page.

At a minimum cover the following aspects:

  • Positive and negative limiting load factor (i.e., the maximum G allowed for your aircraft)
  • Stall speeds at 1, 2, 3, and so on G up to the maximum positive G (at your selected weight)
  • Ultimate load factor (ULF)
  • Positive ultimate load (i.e., the actual force [lbs]) at the selected weight
  • Maneuvering speed
  • The bank angle associated with the positive limiting load factor

For the specific maneuvering speed of your aircraft identified above, explain how to numerically find (provide the specific example and values) the associated turn rate and radius utilizing both of the following methods:

  • Rate and radius formula
  • The turn performance diagram (Figure 2.29 in Aerodynamics for Naval Aviators, Hurt, 1965, p. 179 or Figure 13.14, Dole et al., 2017, p. 239)

For inputs to this module’s tasks, please review also the associated 7.3.1 – ARAPA: Resources and Inputs page. As a starter for your team’s wiki, your team can again copy the information on this assignment page.

As in previous assignments, you will need to research a variety of additional information such as required formulas and pertinent aircraft data and/or assume a few parameters for your aircraft. Please make sure to detail those:

  1. Required Formulas (see also the 7.3.1 – ARAPA: Resources and Inputs page):
    1. Bank angle to G relationship
    1. Turn rate and radius
    1. Stall speed under elevated G / bank
  2. Necessary aircraft information:
    1. Limiting load factors (positive and negative) for your example aircraft (from research)
    1. Assumed aircraft weight
  3. Previous information:

    1. Utilize your previous module work to find 1G stall speed for your selected weight
    1. Assume atmospheric conditions

Again, the emphasis in this project task is on explaining your methodology as if you attempted to instruct someone unfamiliar with the aerodynamic details and relationships. Therefore, make sure to detail all assumptions, all formula used, and all steps that were taken.

As previously, you are encouraged to utilize appropriate computational software such as Excel® or MatLab®.

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