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ASCI 309-Aerodynamics

ASCI 309-Aerodynamics

Module 6
ARAPA: Takeoff and Landing Performance

Collaboratively create an instructional team wiki (Canvas page within your group work space – see again ARAPA Overview Page for instructions) that exemplifies takeoff and landing performance with specific data. This assignment utilizes two independent examples – For the takeoff performance portion, you will utilize a generic example, while the landing portion is conducted specifically for your team’s selected project aircraft. At a minimum cover the following aspects (as always, please review the accompanying 6.3.1 – ARAPA: Resources and Inputs page for required assumptions for this assignment):

  1. Takeoff (completed using a generic example)
  2. Utilizing Figure 10.1 (Dole et al., 2017, p. 162) explain on a selected example (not necessarily your team’s selected project aircraft) how takeoff performance data in tabular and graphical form (as can be found in the flight manual/POH) can be used to determine the specific parameter:
    1. Takeoff speed for a selected takeoff weight
    1. Length of the takeoff roll
    1. Distance required to clear a 50 ft obstacle
  3. Using the same example, explain (backed by specific example data) how environmental conditions influence the takeoff distance.
  4. Landing (completed using your sepcific project aircraft)
  5. Approach speed for a selected landing weight
  6. Drag during landing
    1. Total drag at touchdown (stall speed)
    1. Average drag during landing roll (based on total drag at stall speed – see 6.3.1 – ARAPA: Resources and Inputs)
  7. Friction force during landing roll
    1. Aircraft weight distribution between nose/tail and main wheels
    1. Friction coefficients for rolling and braking wheels
    1. Friction forces for rolling and braking wheels
    1. Sum of friction forces (total friction with no lift)
    1. Average friction during landing roll (based on total friction with no lift – see 6.3.1 – ARAPA: Resources and Inputs)
  8. Residual thrust
    1. Residual power based on rated power of the aircraft
    1. Thrust at touchdown
    1. Average thrust during landing roll
  9. Average deceleration during landing roll
  10. Length of the landing roll

Once you completed your specific landing case for your aircraft, discuss and support numerically (where appropriate) the following aspects:

  • Influence of altitude on landings
    • Influence on landing speeds
    • Influence on landing distances
  • Difference between landing roll length (as calculated above) and landing distance (as published in a POH)
  • Influence of landing conditions such as runway material and surface condition, runway slope, wind conditions
  • Influence of weight on landings
    • Influence on landing speeds
    • Influence on landing distances
  • Critical evaluation of any factors that were not considered in your example

For inputs to this module’s tasks, please review also the associated 6.3.1 – ARAPA: Resources and Inputs page. As a starter for your team’s wiki, your team can again copy the information on this assignment page.

Again, the emphasis in this project task is on explaining your methodology as if you attempted to instruct someone unfamiliar with the aerodynamic details and relationships. Therefore, make sure to detail all assumptions, all formula used, and all steps that were taken. As previously, you are encouraged to utilize appropriate computational software such as Excel® or MatLab® were appropriate.

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