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AMNT 429-Advanced Tech Design for Aircraft production

AMNT 429-Advanced Tech Design for Aircraft production


Discussion 1:

In this discussion activity, address the following in your primary, original posting:

  • In this module, you read about the types of stresses and loads that are placed on an aircraft during flight. Discuss the how a load or stress placed on an aircraft during flight can affect the expected life cycle of the aircraft.

After posting your primary, original response, any peers’ posts will become available for you to view. Please reply to at least two of your classmates in the Discussion by the last day of this module. To ensure that all students receive feedback, reply first to any students who have not yet received replies from other students.

Include at least one appropriate and correct in-text citation from the textbook and any other source you use to support your original, primary response. You are also required to provide a reference list reflecting the source(s) used in your response. Your in-text citations and reference list must be in accordance with the current APA publication manual. Graded Discussion activities worth a maximum 100 points each. View the rubric available in the dropdown menu at the top of this item and via the Grades area. View the Canvas tutorial (Links to an external site.) for more informat

Discussion 3:

Structural Materials Selection Factors

In this discussion activity, address the following in your primary, original posting:

  • Cost is always a factor when selecting aircraft structural materials, but what other aspects must also be considered? Give two other considerations that are examined before choosing any type of material for use in the designing an aircraft structure or system.

After posting your primary, original response, any peers’ posts will become available for you to view. Please reply to at least two of your classmates in the Discussion by the last day of this module. To ensure that all students receive feedback, reply first to any students who have not yet received replies from other students.

Include at least one appropriate and correct in-text citation from the textbook and any other source you use to support your original, primary response. You are also required to provide a reference list reflecting the source(s) used in your response. Your in-text citations and reference list must be in accordance with the current APA publication manual.

Discussion 5:

Composite materials are utilized in an array of products from sports gear, racing cars, aircraft to spacecraft. For this discussion, use the Internet to research and locate a product made from composite materials. Then, address the following in your primary, original posting:

  • Describe how the use of composites transformed it into a superior product over ones constructed from traditional materials.
  • Include considerations of cost, design, inspection ease, and strength to weight.

After posting your primary, original response, any peers’ posts will become available for you to view. Please reply to at least two of your classmates in Discussions by the last day of this module. To ensure that all students receive feedback, reply first to any students who have not yet received replies from other students.

Include at least one appropriate and correct in-text citation from the textbook and any other source you use to support your original, primary response. You are also required to provide a reference list reflecting the source(s) used in your response. Your in-text citations and reference list must be in accordance with the current APA publication manual.

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