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AMNT 429-Advanced Tech Design for Aircraft production

AMNT 429-Advanced Tech Design for Aircraft production

Pecha Kucha Presentation

Pecha Kucha Presentation 1:

For this activity, you will prepare a Pecha Kucha presentation using the Course Learning Outcomes as a guide (see the Course Syllabus). Choose a type of aircraft and describe two considerations engineers examine in choosing the aircraft design. Examples could be swept wing, winglets, T-tail, or any other different type of aircraft design. Share what you know about the design and the history behind it. You may use any resources, internal or external to the course, to identify the various types of aircraft design. Be sure to properly cite and reference sources for all content.

This assignment uses a modified 5×25 Pecha Kucha approach, requiring a brief 5 slide presentation with 25 seconds of discussion per slide either in audio or caption format. Refer to the Pecha Kucha Evaluation Rubric (available via the drop-down menu) to make sure that you understand the requirements for your submission. See Activity 1.3 – Preview: Pecha Kucha for all additional Pecha Kucha-related support.

Share your Pecha Kucha 1 presentation in this Discussion. You may submit it in whatever format works best, whether it be a file upload, embedded HTML presentation, link to an external presentation, etc. Once you have shared your presentation, please view your peers’ presentations. Replies are optional, but encouraged.

Pecha Kucha Presentation activities are worth a maximum 100 points each. View the rubric available in the dropdown menu at the top of this item and via the Grades area. Please read these instructions for information on accessing the discussion rubric. (Links to an external site.)

Pecha kucha Presentation 2:

Using technology to extend the life cycle of an aircraft will not only increase flight safety, but also allow maintenance personnel to discover discrepancies before they reach catastrophic failure. Utilizing technology for inspections will also increase efficiencies in maintenance processes, as well as reduce overall operating costs. For this activity, you will choose a nondestructive inspection procedure or engineering design and prepare a Pecha Kucha presentation describing how that technology is being applied to extend the life cycle of aircraft systems, structures, and/or components. You may use any resources, internal or external to the course. Be sure to properly cite and reference sources for all content.

Pecha Kucha Presentation 3:

            Using computer automation has changed the way we design and test functionality. For this activity, you will create a Pecha Kucha-style presentation explaining two advantages of using the computer automation to test and build aircraft or components. You may use any resources, internal or external to the course. Be sure to properly cite and reference sources for all content.

This assignment uses a modified 5×25 Pecha Kucha approach, requiring a brief 5 slide presentation with 25 seconds of discussion per slide either in audio or caption format. Refer to the Pecha Kucha Evaluation Rubric (available via the drop-down menu) to make sure that you understand the requirements for your submission. See Activity 1.3 – Preview: Pecha Kucha for all additional Pecha Kucha-related support.

Share your Pecha Kucha 3 presentation in this Discussion. You may submit it in whatever format works best, whether it be a file upload, embedded HTML presentation, link to an external presentation, etc. Once you have shared your presentation, please view your peers’ presentations. Replies are optional, but encouraged.

Pecha Kucha Presentation 4:

Monitoring aircraft performance has come a long way since the days of the Wright Brothers when performance was judged by fly-to-failure time. Today’s modern aircraft are monitored in a completely different way. Some onboard computers limit how much a pilot will be able to maneuver during flight, while others incorporate a health management system which monitors and relays information back to ground operations. The information transmitted back to ground operation can be used to troubleshoot aircraft problems and assure ground personnel, supplies, and equipment are available when the aircraft lands or provide real-time information during an in-flight emergency.

For this activity, you will choose one aircraft and create a Pecha Kucha-style presentation discussing the advantages and disadvantages of an aircraft’s monitoring system. In addition, address any safety concerns, good or bad, that you have discovered while researching this topic. You may use any resources, internal or external to the course. Be sure to properly cite and reference sources for all content.

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