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AE 550 – thermodynamics – report 2

AE 550 – thermodynamics – report 2

In the previous project, you explained the thermodynamic developments. Here you will address the design changes to maximize the thermodynamics.

Commercial aircraft engines have evolved and been developed to improve reliability, reduce fuel consumption, and lower emissions.

  • Select from the aircraft list below and research the engines used when first launched and those used now.
    • A320
    • B737
    • B747
    • A330
    • B52
    • B777
  • What are the differences in thrust, fuel consumption, and emissions?
  • Discuss the thermodynamic design improvements that have occurred and review in a systems description.
  • What has changed in the design of these newer versions of jet engines?


  • The report structure is not APA, you only need to write references in this format.
  • You may use diagrams and pictures if needed.
  • You are required to quote all sources of data.
  • The report should have a Heading, be in Times New Roman font 12, and double spaced.
  • A minimum of 750 words are required (To ensure proper depth of response.)
  • Submit document no later than the last day of Module 9.
  • Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.

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