My Academics

AE 550 – thermodynamics-mini Report

AE 550 – thermodynamics-mini Report


Air density at sea level and 15 0C is 1.225 kg/m3. As altitude increases the air density reduces and at just over 20.000ft the air density is half that at sea level. When at 60,000ft it is 10% of that at sea level.

An aircraft engine uses air (oxygen) for combustion. Jet engines compress air to mix with oxygen and produce a combustible substance to create the energy needed. As air (oxygen) reduces more compressed air is needed.

Explain, in thermodynamic terms what happens and how it is achieved to ensure that an engine can operate at altitude for commercial aircraft. What changes, differences in design for engines, are required for aircraft that operate at higher altitudes?


  • The report structure is not APA, you only need to write references in this format.
  • You may use diagrams and pictures if needed.
  • You are required to quote all sources of data.
  • The report should have a heading, Be in Times New Roman font 12, and double spaced.
  • A minimum of 750 words are required (To ensure proper depth of response.)
  • Submit document no later than midnight, EST, on the due date.
  • Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.

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