Task: | Provide a SHRM solution by analysing the alignment of human resource strategy to an organisation’s corporate plan. Task 1: 500 word (max) – scenario Task 2: 1000 word (max) – situational appraisal Task 3: 500 word (max) – situational analysis Task 4: 500 word (max) – ethical considerations Note: word count excludes the list of references |
Weight: | Marked out of 100 and worth 45% of the total assessment |
Due Date: | 10th January, 2019 |
Submission Requirements: | To be completed on the assignment template available in the ‘Assignment 2’ topic area on MGT8034 Study Desk You have up to 11:55 pm (USQ time) on the due date to electronically lodge your assignment. The submission link is in the ‘Assignment 2’ topic area of the MGT8034 Study Desk. |
Relevant Modules: | This assessment task requires you to demonstrate an understanding of material from Modules 1, 2 and 3. |
Instructions: | Refer to the description of the tasks set out below. |
Task 1 (Up to 500 words*)
Select an actual organisation known to you, and describe what industry it is in, the products and services provided, how it is structured, the culture, and key challenges it is, or is expected to face in the near future (next 1-3 years). Also, describe the role of HR in this organisation, where it is positioned in the organisational structure, the scope of HRM services offered, and any other salient information related to its role in the organisation.
Write this scenario in no more than 500 words. This will provide context to the following tasks. Write task 1 as if you’re a researcher or journalist detailing factual information. Be sure to include specific details about names, and job/department titles. You may also include diagrams.
Task 2 (allow 1000 words*)
The analysis: Next, write a concise situational appraisal of the following factors:
- The external and internal environments that guides the functioning of the organisation as well as decision-making that influences how the organisation operates;
- The current HRM strategy that directs how the organisation intends to advance in the future; and
- The climate and culture of the organisation.
Task 3 (allow 500 words*)
The Gaps: Reflect on your situational appraisal outlined in Task 2:
- Now specify the main HR related problems, issues and/or opportunities the organisation is likely to face now and in the near future. How will these impede the organisation achieving its strategic management of human resources for innovation? Describe the gaps.
- Also discuss the vertical fit and horizontal alignment of HR services. Describe the gaps.
Task 4 (allow 500 words*)
The solution: What are the HR processes (which may include change processes and technologies) required to enable the organisation to achieve its corporate goals? Consider here:
- What ethical considerations will the HR function need to manage?
- What risks are likely? What are the consequences of these risks?
Please note: There is no need to include a risk treatment action plan.
* this is the suggested word allowance for each task, overall this assignment’s length is 2,500 words (+/- 10%) excluding list of references.
Research and Referencing
After completing all four tasks, include a list of references.
- Ensure you cite a minimum of fifteen (15) sources
- The emphasis should be on refereed journal articles to support your arguments. You can use the selected readings and additional readings. Equally, you are welcome to include citations of articles you have independently sourced. However, you are expected to refer to the textbook as a distinct source but it will not add to your count of 15.
- Private web pages such as pages of study notes from other university courses are not acceptable. If you elect to use a website, it must be of a scholarly and credible nature that clearly displays the sponsoring organisation, and if available, the author of the article.
- As much as possible, the sources should be recent publications i.e. from the year 2010. However, older articles are acceptable if these are seminal contributions to the literature.
- Use Harvard AGPS referencing conventions. Here is a link to guidelines for using Harvard AGPS:
- The assignment should be written in four parts, with headings separating each of the four parts to the assignment.
- You MUST use the template available on the MGT8034 Study Desk for your assignment. This template contains the marking criteria sheet upfront for the evaluator to complete. You write your assignment from page two of the template.
- This template is set so that your paper is presented with 2 cm margins all round, 12 pt Times New Roman; 1½ line spacing. If you present a table it can be reduced to single line spacing.
- Your assignment must fall within the required length guidelines: +/- 10% of the overall word count.
- Page numbers, headers and footers have been included in the template. You need to insert your student details into the header.
- Headings, diagrams and/or brief tables are permissible in your responses (but they are included in the word count). Tables and diagrams (if used) must be labelled and referenced and must be explained in the body of your answer. If you have solely developed it, cite it as ‘Developed for assignment’. If you adapted someone else’s work, cite (Adapted from: author, year pg. no).
- Compile a List of References on the last page of the assignment (as allowed for in the assignment template) according to Harvard AGPS requirements.
- Please refer to the plagiarism and student misconduct information. This assignment is administered with strict adherence to these guidelines.
- The following marking criteria sheet will be used to evaluate this assignment.