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CLI8204 Global Environmental Systems-Assignment 1

CLI8204 Global Environmental Systems-Assignment 1

Note: Please us this form to submit your assessment item and add your answers/solution as indicated below.

1. Assessment

This assessment item consists of 5 exercises, which are a collection of simple short essay answers. These are also listed below. Maximum achievable scores are 100 (i.e. each exercise is marked with 20 points) and the assessment contributes 20% to the final course assessment. I will mark content as well as presentation.

2. Due Date  

Please see course specification for due date of this first assessment item.   

3. Exercises   

The exercises to be assessed are listed below. These are exercises E1.1, E2.1, E3.1, E4.1 and E5.1 from Module 1 to Module 5. Only these need to be submitted for the formal assessment although each module may list several more exercises.

4. Format

You are required to present each individual essay on a separate piece of paper with your name and student number listed at the top. Make sure that you clearly indicate module and tutorial exercise number, and submit your using electronic assignment submission system via course studydesk.

5. Referencing

Please use where appropriate in text citations and references and use the Harvard Reference Guide, see

6. Special Note

Please refer to University regulations available online stating that plagiarism is a form of cheating and viewed as serious academic misconduct.   

7. Marking    

The assessment contributes 20 % to the total mark for the course.

8. Assessment Marking Form

No  Maximum ScoreScores AwardedWeighted ScoreKey Problem/Comment
  Total  100       

Additional Markers Comments

General Marking Criteria

Short Answer Criteria (where applicable)

Overall presentation, layout (overall formatting)                                25%

Expression, grammar, and spelling                                                     25%

Flow, structure                                                                                    25%

Content (depth/integration/understanding)                                        25%

Essay Answer Criteria (where applicable)

Overall presentation, layout (overall formatting)                                10 %

Expression, grammar, and spelling                                                     10 %

Flow, structure                                                                                    30 %

Content (depth/integration/understanding)                                        40 %

Use and citation of references                                                            5 %

Use and design of graphics                                                                 5 %

PowerPoint Presentation (where applicable)

Use of Graphics                                                                                33 %

Use of Text                                                                                        33 %

Overall Layout                                                                                 34 %


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