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CIV8803 – Advanced Mechanics and Technology of Fibre Composites-Assignment 1

CIV8803 – Advanced Mechanics and Technology of Fibre Composites-Assignment 1

Instruction: Assignment 1 consists of the following two online activities:
(a) Attempting Online Quizzes – Weighting: 10% (100 marks)
You need to attempt the online quizzes that will be released on the StudyDesk from time to time throughout the semester. You have sixty (60) minutes to complete answering each quiz. Only your first attempt to each set of quiz is considered for marks. However, you can attempt a quiz up to three times. You need to attempt the quizzes before their closing dates.
(b) Participation in Online Discussion Topics – Weighting: 15% (150 marks out of 1000)
Discussion topics related to each study module of the course are designed and posted in the online forum to provide opportunities and a platform where you can discuss and exchange ideas on technical issues in the context of your own experiences and learning combined with your critical thinking. The discussion questions will be posted on a weekly basis throughout the course of semester in the form of “Q & A forum”. This structure of the forum requires you to post your perspectives first before viewing other students’ postings. After your initial posting, you can view and respond/comment to others’ postings as well and post further questions and clarifications. Your participation in the online technical discussion will be assessed based on the quality of your contribution and active participation as well as your questions and comments on the relevant topic and on the contribution of other students. You need to post your first answer to the discussion before the closing date.

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