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CIV3403 Geotechnical Engineering – Assignment 2

CIV3403 Geotechnical Engineering – Assignment 2

General Information
 Course specification:

 All students must submit their assignments electronically using the Moodle system
in CIV3403 Study Desk. No other means of submission is permitted.

 This is an individual assessment item and no collaboration with other students is

 Late submission penalty: see CIV3403 course specification.
“Penalties for late submission of required work:
If students submit assignments after the due date without (prior) approval of the
examiner then a penalty of 5% of the total marks gained by the student for the
assignment may apply for each working day late up to ten working days at which
time a mark of zero may be recorded. No assignments will be accepted after model
answers have been posted.”

 Assignment extension policy: see CIV3403 studydesk.

Q1: A warm up exercise: analyses of simple slopes (30 marks)
Determine the factors of safety (FoS) of the slopes,
● using Taylor’s design chart. (10 marks)
● using the computer program Slope/W (student version). (10 marks)
● discuss the results and write a brief conclusion. (10 marks)

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